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viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

Aerosmith- I don't wanna miss a thing

I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing - Aerosmith

I could stay awake
Just to hear you breathing,
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
Far-away and dreaming.
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender,
I could stay lost in this moment
Well, every moment spent with you
Is a moment I treasure.

I don't wanna close my eyes,
I don't wanna fall asleep,
'Cos I'd miss you, babe,
And I don't wanna miss a thing.
'Cos even when I dream of you,
The sweetest dream will never do.
I'd still miss you, babe,
And I don't wanna miss a thing.

Lying close to you,
Feeling your heart beating.
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming,
Wondering if it's me you're seeing.
Then I kiss your eyes
And thank God we're together
And I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever,
Forever and ever.


I don't wanna miss one smile,
I don't wanna miss one kiss,
Well, I just wanna be with you,
Right here with you, just like this.
I just wanna hold you close,
Feel your heart so close to mine,
And stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time.


Podría permanecer despierto
Sólo para escucharte respirar,
Mirarte sonreír mientras duermes
A lo lejos, y soñando.
Podría pasar mi vida en esta dulce entrega,
Podría quedarme perdido en este momento
Para siempre.
Ya que, cada momento que pasé contigo
Es un momento que admiro.

No quiero cerrar los ojos,
No quiero quedarme dormido,
Porque te extrañaría, nena,
Y no quiero extrañar nada.
Porque aún si soñara contigo,
El más dulce de los sueños no alcanzará.
Aún así te extrañaría, nena,
Y no quiero extrañar nada.

Acostado cerca de ti,
Siento latir tu corazón.
Y me pregunto qué estás soñando,
Me pregunto si será conmigo.
Luego, beso tus ojos
Y agradezco a Dios que estemos juntos
Y sólo quiero estar contigo
En este momento para siempre,
Para siempre, siempre.


No quiero extrañar ni una sonrisa,
No quiero extrañar ni un beso,
Ya que sólo quiero estar contigo,
Aquí mismo, como ahora.
Sólo quiero tenerte cerca
Sentir tu corazón muy cerca del mío,
Y permanecer aquí, en este momento
Por el resto del tiempo.

domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree o disagree ?

A place where a child grows up is very important as it might have a great influence on his life when he become older. Some people would agree that growing up in a countryside might be better for children as it is much healthier: the air is clean and the food is fresh. However I think it is better for a child to grow up in a big city as it makes him more confident person and provides him with better education.

At First,living in a big city make a child more socialized than living in a countryside. The children who live in a countryside may not have a chance to communicate too much with other children. As a result he might feel lonely and have troubles communicating with others. 
So the children who grow up in a countryside might become less confident which may make it harder for him to live and succeed in a big city.

Secondly, in a countryside a child do not really have a chance to get a good education. All qualified teachers and professors live and work in big cities because of better prospectives and job opportunities.If a child grow up in a countryside he might never be able to get a good education and thus he will have less chances to get a qualified job in future. 

To sum up I should say I think that it is better for a child to grow up in a big city. First, he socializes better in a big city. Second, it gives him an opportunity to get a good education and a good job in future.

In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons.

A student must study to get a job. But when a student is working while they are studying this can earn money. This is beneficial because they come in work world. Is better to start with twelve years old, is the best year you can start. In United States, teenagers start working distribute in a shop for six hours. After, with fourteen years old , they for an hour more, and when they are twenty-one, they introduce in work world.

the problem is the hours you work. They have less time to go out with friends, or see the TV, or stay in their home with their family.

In my opinion, this is good for the people who can´t comunicate with others. but is bad too. They have a few hours to do their hobbies. If they like going to work, I don´t be critical with the person who say other opinion.

To sum up, this is their decision.